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Moya's eVTOL prototype completed 87 successful flights.


São José dos Campos, December 5th, 2023

OThe Moya eVTOL project is making great strides towards a new aviation horizon, with a new concept aimed at optimizing air logistics. Our team has been conducting a series of tests to validate and certify our aircraft, and we're pleased to report that it has already completed 87 successful flights. 

Our testing campaign has seven phases, from ground tests to automatic mode flights. We are at the end of Phase 4, making final adjustments to the aircraft's vertical flight capabilities. The pilot controls the frontal and lateral velocity, and the tuning in this phase corresponds to the outer loop. By the end of Phase 4, corresponding to our current moment, the aircraft will fly in position mode, with velocity as input. Automatic takeoff, mission, and auto-landing are possible at this stage.

We're committed to continuing our testing in 2024 to complete the subsequent phases. Phase 5 will involve the mission in vertical mode, including takeoff, flight to pre-defined points, return to Home, and automatic landing. In Phase 6, we will transition to horizontal flight and repeat the vertical phase adjustments, but now, we will do it in horizontal flight. Finally, Phase 7 will mark the completion of the mission, including vertical takeoff, transition to horizontal flight, vertical flight, and landing.

At Moya, we're excited about the future of air travel and the possibilities of eVTOL technology to serve the logistics market. With over 87 successful flights under our belt and more to come, we're confident that our aircraft will revolutionize the industry and provide a safe, efficient, and sustainable mode of transportation for all.


About Moya Aero

Moya Aero, founded in 2020, is a spin-off of ACS Aviation, a Brazilian aeronautical engineering, aircraft research and development company located in São José dos Campos. This extraordinary experience is behind the Moya eVTOL, the first high-capacity autonomous vehicle built in Latin America.

The Moya team's experience spans a broad spectrum of the aerospace industry. This knowledge is used to capitalize on market opportunities with aerial vehicle concepts that address many long-standing logistics problems, such as reducing CO₂ emissions, connecting remote regions with vital supplies, improving the efficiency, productivity, and cost of crop management, and connecting businesses with customers faster, cheaper and more straightforward. Seed4Science, Hards, and Techstars invested in Moya and have the support of FINEP in developing the prototype. Helisul Drones, ProAero, and Certifica Drones are partners.

Our ideas are creative. Our products are transformative.


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Suggested image: Moya eVTOL flying

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