Revolution Aero, September 6, 2024
Moya Aero publishes footage of first subscale transition flight
Brazilian startup Moya Aero has released footage of the first ever transition flight with its sub-scale tiltbody uncrewed eVTOL aircraft prototype.
China Aerospace, September 2, 2024
巴西Moya Aero完成eVTOL飞行器缩比版本试飞,并计划全尺寸原型机开发
巴西初创公司Moya Aero 首次转型,推出了其倾转体无人电动垂直起降(eVTOL) 飞行器的缩比版本。这架按其20%比例建造的原型机于8月22日首次从推力悬停转换为翼
Lotnicza Agency, August 31, 2024
Pierwszy lot przejściowy Moya eVTOL
22 sierpnia 2024 zbudowany w skali 20% demonstrator samolotu eVTOL projektowanego przez brazylijski start-up Moya Aero wykonał pierwszy test z przejściem z pionowego startu do lotu poziomego.
Aviation Week, August 28, 2024
Brazil’s Moya Makes First Transition With Subscale Prototype
Moya’s hybrid tiltbody aircraft is designed to fly up to 300 km (186 mi.), compared to 100 km for the all-electric version.
Infodrones, August 22, 2024
La brasileña Moya Aero presenta un nuevo dron de carga híbrido de rango extendido
La plataforma cuenta con capacidades de despegue y aterrizaje vertical, puede transportar hasta 200 kilogramos y recorrer 300 kilómetros

IOT World Today, August 16, 2024
Hybrid Cargo Drone Expands Drone Operations Range, Improves Efficiency
Moya Aero’s hybrid cargo drone unveiling comes less than a year after the first flight of the company’s high-capacity autonomous cargo drone

eVTOL Insights, August 15, 2024
Moya Aerospace Unveils “New Hybrid Cargo Drone with Extended Range and Enhanced Efficiency”
Moya Aerospace, a subsidiary of ACS Aviation, a Brazilian company specialising in aeronautical engineering, aircraft research and development based in São José dos Campos, recently unveiled its new hybrid cargo drone with an extended range and enhanced efficiency, reports a press release.
Advanced Air Mobility International, August 7, 2024
New Hybrid Moya eVTOL with Extended Range & Enhanced Efficiency
The new hybrid eVTOL from Moya Aero offers extended range to 300km, uncompromised payload capacity, as well as increased reliability and flexibility.
-1.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(2)-1.png), August 8, 2024
Moya Aero unveils new hybrid Moya eVTOL, capable of carrying 200kg and flying 300km
Moya Aero unveils new hybrid Moya eVTOL designed to extend drone operating range to 300km and improve efficiency while maintaining a 200kg payload capacity.

Aeroin, August 4, 2024
Brasileira Moya Aero apresenta sua nova aeronave eVTOL híbrida de transporte de carga
A empresa brasileira Moya Aero apresentou nesta semana a nova versão híbrida de sua aeronave elétrica de pouso e decolagem vertical (eVTOL), um avanço projetado para expandir o alcance das operações com drones para 300 km e melhorar a eficiência, mantendo uma capacidade de carga útil de 200 kg.
MundoGeo, August 1, 2024
Moya Aero apresenta versão híbrida de eVTOL de carga
Aeronave é uma atualização que vai ampliar o alcance de operações para 300 quilômetros, melhorando a eficiência no transporte de carga útil de até 200 quilos
AIN, August 1, 2024
Moya Switches to Hybrid-Electric Propulsion For Autonomous eVTOL Aircraft
Moya Aero has started work on a hybrid-electric version of its planned autonomous eVTOL aircraft in response to demands from prospective customers for more range.
Avfoil News, July 31 2024
Moya Aero reveals new hybrid cargo drone design
In a bid to extend range, Brazilian drone developer Moya Aero has unveiled its new hybrid-electric cargo drone.
Aviation Week, July 30 2024
Brazil’s Moya Launches Hybrid-Electric VTOL Cargo UAS
Brazilian startup Moya Aero has launched a hybrid-electric version of its vertical-takeoff-and-landing uncrewed cargo aircraft with the same payload but greater range than the original all-electric version.
Cargo Facts, May 31 2024
Moya to enter middle-mile eVTOL drone market
Drone manufacturer Moya Aero plans to develop an electric vertical takeoff and landing drone for the middle-mile segment after signing a deal with aircraft technology company Aeromot.
LRCA Defense Consulting, April 17 2024
Moya Aero e Aeromot teriam firmado acordo para drones de carga capazes de enfrentar terrenos desafiadores
A Moya Aero, fabricante brasileira de drones, está ganhando as manchetes com seu plano de entrar no mercado de drones eVTOL de meia milha. A empresa teria feito parceria com a Aeromot para desenvolver drones capazes de enfrentar terrenos desafiadores, como a floresta amazônica e plataformas de petróleo offshore.
Avfoil News, April 17 2024
Moya Aero’s autonomous eVTOL prototype “completes 87 successful test flights”
Brazil-based, Moya Aero, has announced it has already completed 87 successful flights of its autonomous eVTOL aircraft since trials began last December at the SDA4 Airfield on the outskirts of São José dos Campos-SP, reports a press release.
Asas Brasil, April 17 2024
A Fase 5 envolverá a missão em modo vertical, incluindo decolagem, voo para pontos pré-definidos, retorno à casa e pouso automático.
MundoGeo, April 19 2024
Protótipo do Moya eVTOL completa 87 voos bem-sucedidos
A equipe da Moya Aero vem realizando uma série de testes para validar e certificar a aeronave
Vertical, April 15 2024
Moya's eVTOL prototype completed 87 successful flights
The Moya eVTOL project is making great strides towards a new aviation horizon, with a new concept aimed at optimizing air logistics.
-1.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(2)-1.png), April 16 2024
Moya Aero's eVTOL prototype completed 87 successful flights
Moya Aero has conducted a series of tests to validate and certify its eVTOL prototype and has already reported 87 successful flights.
Advanced Air Mobility International, April 17 2024
Moya eVTOL Prototype Undergoes Flight Tests
Moya Aero conducts a series of tests to validate and certify its eVTOL aircraft, reporting it has already completed 87 successful flights

eVTOL Insights, April 17 2024
Moya Aero’s Autonomous eVTOL Prototype “Completes 87 Successful Test Flights”
Brazil-based, Moya Aero, has announced it has already completed 87 successful flights of its autonomous eVTOL aircraft since trials began last December at the SDA4 Airfield on the outskirts of São José dos Campos-SP, reports a press release.
LogWeb, December 7 2023
Com cartas de intenção de compra para mais de 100 unidades, Moya eVTOL realiza seu primeiro voo com sucesso
O Moya eVTOL (Veículo de Pouso e Decolagem Verticais), desenvolvido pela brasileira Moya Aero, realizou seu primeiro voo no dia 15 de novembro último, em São José dos Campos, SP, marcando o início de uma fase de testes em voo que antecipa sua entrada em serviço para 2026.
Mundo Logística, December 7 2023
Moya Aero realiza primeiro voo com eVTOL criado para potencializar logística na agricultura
Com design adaptável, capacidade de carga útil de 200 kg e alcance de 300 km, empresa ressaltou que o veículo proporcionará redução das emissões de carbono e de custos operacionais
Tecnologística, December 6 2023
Drone de carga Moya eVTOL realiza primeiro voo com sucesso e pode revolucionar o transporte aéreo de cargas a partir de 2026
Equipamento foi desenvolvido pela Moya Aero
Vertical, December 4 2023
Moya eVTOL successfully performs its first flight
On Nov. 15, 2023, the sky over the SDA4 airfield on the outskirts of São José dos Campos-SP was the stage for a pioneering event that could transform the logistics scenario.
Aviaton Week, December 4 2023
Brazil’s Moya Flies Cargo eVTOL Prototype
Brazilian startup Moya Aero has begun flight testing its prototype electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) uncrewed cargo aircraft.
AIN, December 4 2023
Moya Aero's Autonomous eVTOL Logistics Aircraft Makes First Test Flight
The company says it now holds letters of intent from prospective customers covering 100 of the high-capacity drones that could be used for cargo flights or crop-spraying.
MundoGeo, December 4 2023
eVTOL da Moya Aero realiza com sucesso o primeiro voo
Aeronave da fabricante brasileira inicia agora fase de ensaios em voo mirando o começo das operações comerciais em 2026
R7, December 4 2023
Moya eVTOL realiza seu primeiro voo com sucesso
Segundo a empresa, trata-se do maior Veículo de Pouso e Decolagem Verticais 100% brasileiro a alcançar o feito
Aero Magazine, December 4 2023
Mais um eVTOL brasileiro realiza seu primeiro voo
eVTOL cargueiro da startup Moya Aero realizou seu primeiro voo nos arredores de São José dos Campos.
Avfoil News, December 4 2023
Moya Aero successfully performs “its first eVTOL flight”
Brazil-based, Moya Aero, has announced its first and successful eVTOL flight at the SDA4 Airfield on the outskirts of São José dos Campos-SP, reports a press release.
-1.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(2)-1.png), December 4 2023
Moya eVTOL prototype successfully makes maiden flight. A big step towards launch in 2026.
Moya Aero announced that its Moya eVTOL has made its maiden flight at SDA4 airfield outside São Jose dos Campos, Brazil.

eVTOL Insights, December 3 2023
Moya Aero successfully performs “its first eVTOL flight”
Brazil-based, Moya Aero, has announced its first and successful eVTOL flight at the SDA4 Airfield on the outskirts of São José dos Campos-SP, reports a press release.
Fly Jets, December 3 2023
Brazilian Moya Aero Announces Successful First Flight of Its eVTOL Drone
The drone’s first flight took place at Fazenda Maristela Airport (ICAO: SDA4).
TV Vanguarda - Rede Globo, December 2 2023
Mais um veículo voador é produzido na região.
Maior EVTOL de carga do país é de São José dos Campos.
IOT World Today, November 8 2023
EVTOL Cargo Drones Sold to Solve Logistics Challenges
Moya’s eVTOLs were purchased by geo information tech company to be outfitted with image-capturing equipment
Advanced Air Mobility International, November 7 2023
Moya Aero & Fototerra Sign LoI for eVTOL Aircraft
Fototerra, a Brazilian aerial survey company, plans to use Moya Aero's eVTOL for digital aerial photogrammetry, hyperspectral digital aero photogrammetry, LiDAR surveys and environmental observation

eVTOL iInsights, November 7 2023
Moya Aero, Fototerra Sign LOI “to acquire 10 Moya eVTOLs”
Unmanned drone services, Moya Aero, and airborne geographic data company, Fototerra, have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) for Fototerra to acquire 10 Moya drones for application in digital aerial photogrammetry, hyperspectral digital aero photogrammetry, LiDAR Surveys and Environmental Observation
Aviation Week, November 6 2023
Moya Signs Up Aerial Survey Customer For Uncrewed eVTOL
Brazilian startup Moya Aero has secured another customer for its high-capacity electric-vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) uncrewed aircraft,
.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(13).png), November 6 2023
Moya Aero and aerial survey specialist, Fototerra have signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) to acquire 10 Moya eVTOLs.
MundoGeo, November 6 2023
Moya Aero e Fototerra assinam compromisso para aquisição de 10 eVTOLs.
Aeronaves da fabricante serão equipadas com câmeras específicas para o uso em aerofotogrametria digital e levantamentos LiDAR.
Vertical, November 6 2023
Moya Aero and Fototerra sign letter of intent to acquire 10 Moya eVTOLs.
Manufacturer Moya Aero eVTOL and Fototerra signed a letter of intent (LOI) to acquire 10 Moya eVTOLs for application in digital aerial photogrammetry, hyperspectral digital aero photogrammetry, lidar surveys and environmental observation.
IOT World Today, October 25 2023
Cargo Drones Targeted for Automatic Logistics Operations.
Two companies work together to develop high-capacity remote piloted eVTOL drones. N2 Infrastructure Technologies, a Canadian air cargo startup, signed a letter of intent to purchase four Moya Aero eVTOLs.
.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(14).png), October 25 2023
Moya Aero y N2 Infrastructures se alían para una logística con drones más sostenible.
El acuerdo incluye la adquisición por parte de N2 de cuatro unidades del dron Moya eVTOL.
Future Flight, October 24 2023
Logistics group N2 signs sales agreement for Moya's autonomous utility eVTOL aircraft.
Moya Aero has received its second commitment from a prospective operator for its autonomous utility eVTOL aircraft. Under a letter of intent signed last week, Canadian logistics group N2 Infrastructure Technologies agreed to acquire four of the aircraft from the Brazilian start-up and will work with it to develop use cases.

eVTOL Insights, October 24 2023
N2 Infrastructure Technologies to purchase four Moya eVTOL.
eVOL maker Moya Aero and N2 Infrastructure Technologies have announced a strategic partnership to develop logistical operations with high-capacity remotely piloted aircraft with the purchase of four Moya eVTOL.

Helicopter Investor, October 23 2023
Moya Aero and N2 Infrastructure Technologies reveal LOI to buy four MOYA eVTOLs.
Moya Aero and Canadian firm, N2 Infrastructure Technologies have revealed a strategic partnership including a letter of intent (LoI) for four eVTOL aircraft.
MundoGeo, October 23 2023
Moya Aero e N2 assinam carta de intenção para venda de eVTOLs de carga.
Fabricante brasileira vai fornecer aeronave para a companhia canadense usar em serviços de logística e transporte de carga., October 21 2023
Moya Aero wins the contract to purchase four Moya eVTOLs by N2 that will expand into logistics operations using eVTOL.
Moya Aero and N2 Infrastructure Technologies (N2) announced a strategic partnership to develop logistics operations using remote-controlled aircraft and a letter of intent (LOI) to purchase four Moya eVTOLs.
Revolution Aero, October 20 2023
Moya Aero and Canadian firm, N2 Infrastructure Technologies have announced a strategic partnership including a letter of intent (LoI) for four aircraft.
Avfoil, October 20 2023
Moya Aero and N2 Infrastructure Technologies announce LoI to buy four Moya eVTOLs.
Moya Aero and Canadian firm, N2 Infrastructure Technologies have announced a strategic partnership including a letter of intent (LoI) for four aircraft. The collaboration will see the two firms develop logistical operations with high-capacity remotely piloted aircraft.
Vertical, October 20 2023
N2 Infrastructure Technologies to purchase four Moya eVTOL aircraft.
Moya Aero eVTOL maker and N2 Infrastructure Technologies have announced a strategic partnership to develop logistical operations with high-capacity RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft). They signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase 4 Moya eVTOL at the opportunity.
FutureFlight, September 20 2023
Moya Aero Selected for Techstars Start-up Seed Stage Accelerator.
Moya Aero is participating in the Techstars Los Angeles Accelerator program for seed-stage start-ups seeking early funding.
Nation World News, September 16 2023
A US accelerator is committed to developing the first high-performance drone in the southern hemisphere.
The Brazilian company Moya Aero, developer of the first high-performance eVTOL in the Southern Hemisphere, will be involved in one of the world’s most important accelerators. Techstars Los Angeles Accelerator is driven by JP Morgan, the bank and one of the most important financial companies in the United States.
Autoevolution, September 14 2023
Pioneering eVTOL Startup in Latin America Selected for a Los Angeles Accelerator
Moya Aero is a name we’ll most likely hear more often from now on. This Brazilian startup is developing a product that’s revolutionary not just for its country but the entire Latin America. With this new milestone, it will be one step closer to reaching industry leaders worldwide.
Vertical, September 12 2023
Techstars selects Moya Aero for Los Angeles accelerator
Moya Aero will participate in the Techstars Los Angeles Accelerator powered by JP Morgan, bringing together promising early-stage companies.

eVTOL Insights, June 8 2023
Moya Aero eVTOL prototype limbers up for first flight.
Moya Aero plans to perform its first flight during the springtime in the Southern Hemisphere, an almost full-scale vehicle with a wingspan of 5.5 metres. In the meantime, it is improving its facilities at the testing area of Airfield SDA4 Fazenda Maristela.
.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(14).png), June 9 2023
Moya Aereo volará su dron eVTOL, que cargará hasta 200 kilos, a finales de año
Los test se realizarán con un prototipo "casi a escala real" de una envergadura de 5,5 metros
Cargo Facts, 7 2023
Moya nears first flight of eVTOL cargo drone
Brazil-based Moya Aero is advancing toward the first flight of its electric vertical takeoff landing cargo drone with plans to begin test flying at Fazenda Maristela Airport in the Southern hemisphere’s spring.
Aviation Week, June 6 2023
Moya Assembling Uncrewed Cargo eVTOL Prototype
Brazilian startup Moya Aero has begun assembling a near-full-scale prototype of its planned electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) uncrewed cargo aircraft
Future Flight, June 6 2023
Moya prepares to flight test technology demonstrator for multirole autonomous eVTOLaircraft.
Moya Aero is preparing to start test flights with a 70 percent scale prototype of its planned autonomous eVTOL aircraft. The Brazilian start-up this week reported that the first flight will take place during the southern hemisphere's spring season, which starts in late September, at an airfield called Fazenda Maristela near São José dos Campos.
A V Foil, June 6 2023
Moya Aero approaches first eVTOL prototype flight.
Moya Aero is in the final stages of building its near full-scale prototype cargo eVTOL ahead of a first flight set for the third-quarter.
Revolution Aero, June 6 2023
Moya Aero approaches first eVTOL prototype flight.
Moya Aero is in the final stages of building its near full-scale prototype cargo eVTOL ahead of a first flight set for the third-quarter.
Future Flight, May 3 2023
Helisul Aviation intends to add Moya Aero’s autonomous eVTOL aircraft to its fleet, having last week signed a letter of intent with the Brazilian start-up covering the purchase of 50 of the all-electric vehicles.
With a payload of 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and a range of up to 110 kilometers (70 miles), the aircraft is being developed for roles such as cargo deliveries and crop spraying.
Simple Flying, May 3 2023
More Than A Drone: Everything You Need To Know About The Moya eVTOL
Boasting six times more productivity and a payload capacity ten times greater than small conventional drones, the Moya is one to look out for.

eVTOL Insights, April 26 2023
Helisul Aviation to purchase 50 Moya eVTOLs
Helisul Aviation has signed a letter of intent to purchase 50 Moya Aero eVTOL, an all-electric autonomous cargo drone with a payload capacity of 200 kg and a range of 110 kilometres.
Advanced Air Mobility International, April 26 2023
Helisul Expands Fleet with Purchase of Moya eVTOLs
The Moya eVTOL is an all-electric autonomous cargo drone with a payload capacity of 200kg and a range of 110km, being electric allows it to operate with zero emissions, and its design provides efficiency gains
-1.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(2)-1.png), April 26 2023
Moya Aero signs an agreement for the purchase of 50 Moya eVTOLs with Helisul Aviation
Moya Aero and Helisul Aviation announced a strategic partnership to develop high-capacity remotely piloted logistics operations. At the same time, a basic agreement was signed for the purchase of 50 Moya eVTOLs.
Autoevolution, April 26 2023
First Cargo eVTOL Developed in Latin America Reaches Milestone
Not as spectacular as the eVTOLs (electric vertical take-off and landing) meant to operate as air taxis, electric cargo aircraft still have tremendous potential.
MundoGeo, April 25 2023
Moya Aero and Helisul sign a Letter of Intent to purchase 50 cargo eVTOLs
Moya eVTOL is an autonomous cargo drone, all-electric, with a payload capacity of 200 kg and a range of 110 kilometers. The eVTOL is expected to enter into service by the end of 2025
A V Foil, April 25 2023
Helisul Aviation to purchase 50 Moya eVTOL aircraft
Moya Aero eVTOL maker, and Helisul Aviation, have announced a strategic partnership to develop logistical operations with high-capacity RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft). At the opportunity, they signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase 50 Moya eVTOL.
Vertical, April 25 2023
Helisul Aviation to purchase 50 Moya eVTOL aircraft
Moya Aero eVTOL maker, and Helisul Aviation, have announced a strategic partnership to develop logistical operations with high-capacity RPAS (remotely piloted aircraft). At the opportunity, they signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase 50 Moya eVTOL.
Revolution Aero, April 25 2023
Moya Aero and Helisul Aviation sign LOI to buy 50 Moya Evtols
The LoI forms part of a strategic partnership to develop logistical operations with high-capacity remotely piloted aircraft. Moya’s eVTOL is an autonomous cargo drone, all-electric, with a payload capacity of 200kg and a range of 110km.
Revolution Aero, February 14 2023
Moya Aero: $2M Finep funding is ‘further validation’ of startup’s vision
Moya Aero's drone operations vision in Latin America validated with $2m funding from Finep, Brazil's Funding Authority for Studies and Projects - COO Renata Paolillo.
-1.png?width=179&height=70&name=logos%20moya%20(2)-1.png), February 9 2023
Moya Aero receives a grant from the Brazilian government.
Promoting the development of the first eVTOL in Latin America
Moya Aero has received a $2 million grant from the Brazilian government agency Finep to continue the development of the Moya eVTOL. Efforts are underway to bring autonomous eVTOL aircraft to market.

eVTOL Insights, February 7 2023
Moya Aero awarded a grant to boost cargo drone development
Moya Aero, with partners Helisul Drones, Albatross and Certifica Drone, wins $2M Finep grant for developing first eVTOL for cargo and logistics, aiming at greater productivity and efficiency.
Aviation Week, February 6 2023
From U.S. to Brazil, the market for large express-logistics UAVs is taking off
Large uncrewed cargo aircraft soon could be plying drone corridors over the southwest UK under an agreement between U.S. startup Pyka and operator Skyports Drone Services.
A V Foil, February 3 2023
Moya Aero awarded $2M to boost cargo drone development
Moya Aero was awarded a US$2-Million grant from Finep, a Brazilian government organization that promotes science, technology, and innovation.
Vertical, February 2 2023
Moya Aero awarded $2M to boost cargo drone development
Moya Aero was awarded a US$2-Million grant from Finep, a Brazilian government organization that promotes science, technology, and innovation.
MundoGeo, February 1 2023
Moya Aero raises USD 2 million from Finep for the development of eVTOL
The Brazilian startup Moya Aero secured funding of USD 2 Million from the Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (Finep) for the development of an autonomous eVTOL for logistics.
FutureFlight, January 26 2023
Moya Aero views agricultural and cargo services as likely early uses for autonomous eVTOL aircraft
Moya Aero receives $2M Finep grant to develop autonomous eVTOL. Test flight of all-electric vehicle planned for Sep 2023 as it targets cargo delivery and crop-spraying.